If you are under physician’s care for a medical condition, discuss with your doctor before you start.

Total Body Conditioning

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY: 10am ET (for time zone converter, click here)

To receive Zoom link, please contact me here


Focuses on strength, flexibility and balance. Build stronger muscles while maintaining good posture and deep, even breathing.

Benefits: Regular exercise results in releasing endorphins, which will improve your mood and mental state . Low impact weight bearing exercise had been shown to aid in the prevention of loss of bone mass. You will enhance the ability to concentrate and focus and have more energy and stamina to enjoy all the fulness of life..

Description: We will perform a series of exercises aimed at improving core strength , muscle tone, flexibility and balance.

What you will need: Light weights or no weights ( 2 16 oz bottles of water or 2 soup cans will do); exercise mat (or a carpet); strap (or kitchen towel); sturdy support (a chair, or a wall, or a kitchen counter), your electronic device with a camera.

Breathe and Stretch

SATURDAY: 10am ET (for time zone converter, click here)

To receive Zoom link, please contact me here


Yoga and Pilates inspired full body stretches sequences. Focuses on classic postures and correct alignment in the body.  Revitalize your body by increasing circulation to the organs and calm the nervous system through breathing. 

Benefits: Stretching allows for greater movement in joints and improves posture. It also helps to release muscle tension and soreness, and reduces the risk of injury. It may also help increase circulation, muscle control, and improve balance and coordination. 

Description: Every session includes neck and shoulder stretches in a seated position, following by full body stretches lying on the mat. It’s a gentle, slow, restorative and relaxing practice suitable for any fitness level.

What you will need: Yoga mat, strap (it can be a scarf or a towel), chair, your electronic device with a camera.


Single GROUP class: $15.00

Individual session: $60.00

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